Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Personal Happiness project: week 20

Whew, we had a busy weekend! We went to Ikea and got a bookshelf for the bedroom, a different furniture shop to get more screws for a toy chest we bought months ago, and H&M to get Kyle some new clothes (sadly, we left with nothing, but that's okay. I know now that he looks good in maroon pants!). Obama won the election. We spoke in church on Sunday about gratitude, giving thanks in all things. I thought it went really well. I made people laugh a lot, especially when I said we need to be working toward eternal life and immorality. Oops! I had a good time though. And Kyle did really well too. I just hope we were able to make people feel the Spirit and feel more gratitude for our many blessings and the wonderful lives we've been given.

This week is brought to you by the letter T and is for "Take power naps. Talk wisely." What's with all the sleep encouragement lately?? So, I guess I'll do that. Talk wisely would have been a good challenge for last week too! I think the most important thing about talking wisely is to actually be wise and know stuff. I think it is also important to know when you don't know stuff and admit it instead of talking like you know something when you really have no idea. I hope I can take time this week to focus and learn about things around me so I can be wise. Good luck and have a great week!

I've had this song stuck in my head the last few days. I love this version and these guys!

Oh and this is my absolutely favorite piano song! It just makes me feel so happy when I hear it.

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