Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Personal Happiness project: week 13

This week is brought to you by the letter M for "Meditate daily. Make goals." I have a hard time stopping in the middle of my day to sit and meditate, so this will be a challenge. Luckily this is somewhat alleviated by my chiropractor who is making me lay down to fix my neck for 40 minutes a day. That's so long! Not sure how I'm going to do it or where the time will come from. I'm working up to it and my arms start to hurt from holding my book up to read! I think it is really good to just sit and think, without books or music or anything. It allows us to reconnect with ourselves and slow down to listen to what Heavenly Father is trying to tell us. If we constantly fill our lives with noise and distractions, we don't get to hear the still small voice of God to guide us and answer our questions.

During this meditation time, I can also think about goals that I want to work toward. This personal happiness project is a good start because I have goals I have to meet every week. But I don't have many long term goals. I know we want to have kids but they'll come when they come. There isn't much we can do to work toward that. I want to be a better homemaker which I think I can do if I focus more and manage my time better. So, goal 1: I will write my goals down after I meditate today. Well, I'm off to get my day started. Have a good week!

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