Sunday, November 21, 2010

I finally cracked...

I am an adamant believer in no Christmas music before Thanksgiving. It drives me crazy when stores start putting up trees and decorations in October, never mind even waiting for November to start. Thanksgiving is a holiday too, you know!

But today after a long day at work and a trip to JoAnn's for Christmas decorations, the snow started falling and I couldn't help it. I turned on the radio and we listened to Christmas music while folding laundry. Kyle has been dancing and skipping through the apartment all night.

(That, my friends, is a slice of ham he cut into a snowflake a few weeks ago.)
I think he would listen to Christmas music all year long if he could. For now, I'm alright with extending the Christmas music season a week. But as soon as Thanksgiving is over, Christmas is on!


Th. said...


Just remind yourself that Thanksgiving is late this year. Maybe it will help you feel better.

Megan said...

We already knew you were cracked!

Kathryn said...

Will do Theric. If only Christmas came sooner...

Dear Megan, I'm not amused. Okay...maybe a little bit :) lol.