Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Personal Happiness project: week 26

Last challenge! Crazy that I made it. Anyway, this will be a short one so I can get back to family fun!
This week's challenge is the letter Z for "Zap negativity." This is on a similar vein as last week's challenge to yell less. So I will try to look on the bright side of things, think well of others, and be positive. This will be tricky though. In the words of Matthias Matthijs, "I am a pessimist. It's much more interesting." But I will try to be positive. Good luck, have a great week! And Merry Christmas!

P.S. Best picture from this vacation:
My mom is the cutest!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Personal Happiness project: week 25

One week left! We are getting ready to go out of town and I am just not ready for it. This trip has totally snuck up on me! So we'll make this one fast so I can finish getting presents done and the house cleaned and our suitcase packed. Ahh, so much to do!
The challenge is "Yell less. Yield to your thoughts." Well the first one is easy since I don't yell, but I will try to focus on not even getting upset at things that happen or people. As for the second bit, I will try to be closer to Heavenly Father so I can listen better to what the Holy Ghost is prompting me to do or say. This part will end up being a lifelong challenge. Hopefully I can try to expedite the process by starting to work on it now. Anyway, I have to run (so much for all that slowing down I did last week!). Have a great week! Merry Christmas!

Oh and Happy 2 1/2 years of marriage to the best husband! Muah!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Personal Happiness project: week 24

Oh my goodness, only 2 weeks left! I had a hard weekend, but we get to go home soon, which will be awesome. On to the challenge!
This week is brought to you by the letter X for "Xerox your smiling face." This one will be a challenge, no doubt, but I will try. Except a more literal translation will actually be pretty easy :) Anyway, seems pretty straightforward. Be happy and smile so others can be happy too. I actually did this once on my way home from work one day. I was riding my bike and when I would come to a driver who was waiting for me to pass so they could get on the road, I smiled at them. And almost everyone smiled back, which made me feel better. So, there. Case and point. Have a great week!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Personal Happiness project: week 23

 I can't believe it's December already! Last night we went to a live nativity. It was really cool but absolutely freezing and crowded. It took us 3 hours to get through it! But we got to pet camels (surprisingly soft!), donkeys (also soft), sheep, and llamas. It was fun and would have been better during the summer with about a thousand less people.

This week's challenge is to "Walk. Write. Watch the sun set." I think the underlying goal is to slow down and reflect on life. I am going to have a hard time doing this one because it is the last week of classes before finals at BYU, and while I already graduated, the two people I am tutoring still have to finish this class. I am stressed for them! I think they will do fine though. I will try to do my best and slow down. But it will be difficult! Christmas is coming, I can't even believe it. This year has flown by. I am so not ready for this! Anyway, have a great week! Slow down and love life; Heavenly Father makes beautiful sunsets!