Today was the silliest day Kyle and I have had in a long time. We slept in this morning to recover from late night party-ing, had a nice breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast, and jarred pears (our favorite), and then he started playing piano while I cleaned up breakfast.
Soon thereafter, I grabbed both the nerf guns we got as wedding gifts (thanks Jeremy and Keri!) and the fight began! After pelting him with suction cups, I gave him his gun to even out the fight. He barricaded himself in the living room and I huddled behind the bathroom sink. I don't even know how long we shot at each other, but I definitely had the giggles for most of it. It was fantastic and I decidedly won!
Then a walk to the library to pick up a movie, back home for lunch (ham and cheese sandwiches on yummy italian bread I made yesterday) and movie watching before heading to campus to usher for a dance recital. Then back home for Munchkin and pizza making with T&K that night. Whoo! What a day!
Our first time ushering as a married couple :)
The pizza was fantastic!
Yay Munchkin!!!
It was a fantastic day.
Very sneaky camera work. I don't think any of us realized that you took our picture--I certainly didn't, at least.
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