Friday, May 25, 2012

The future is ahead of us

So I'm officially graduated! I finished up my last class through independent study (New Testament minus the four Gospels in two and a half weeks = worst idea I've ever had) and am headed to my sister's house to help her out post baby delivery for the next ten days. But after that...nothing.

I'm really worried about this time in mine and Kyle's life because we have nowhere we have to be. We're both graduated now, he has a stable job with salary and benefits, I have a good job. We've put off really deciding what to do with ourselves for the last year because he was waiting for me to graduate. But now I'm there; we're there. Do we look at graduate schools? Do we stay here since Kyle's steady income is paying off student loans? Do we pick up and move somewhere we've never been for the adventure of it? There are just too many options and I'm a little nervous. Up to this point, we've had a goal: graduate from BYU. Check. Anywhere we moved and any jobs we took had to be within walking and commuting distance from school. Now we have no ties. Kyle's job just moved north a few cities (towns maybe?), so we've been looking northward for apartments. So far nothing we'd be willing to pack up and move for. And we have great friends around us now and Utah valley is really pretty and really the commute isn't that bad is it? (actually Kyle has informed me the commute isn't bad at all.)

So we need a plan. Our lease in our current apartment is up in August, so we have about 3 months to find a new place. Which is actually plenty of time, if you're not picky (we're slightly picky which is why we've begun looking). I want to keep my job, so our area to move to is limited to four towns (cities?). Kyle will probably keep his job for a year or so more and maybe I'll go on to get more schooling in the meantime. I know he wants to get more education but neither of us know in what yet. I scored mega wife points when Kyle told me he didn't think he wanted to be a lawyer or go to business school and I told him maybe he should study linguistics since that's what he likes. He felt pressured to find a job that would make tons of money at the expense of doing what he wanted (granted, he still doesn't know what it is that he wants). For now, he is working full time, doing something he doesn't hate, and things are okay. Maybe someday, we'll have a plan. I'll keep you posted.